What a wonder everywhere… Crocuses snowdrops and co are showing their beauty all over, and I cannot get enough of it. I love the spring!
It quite amazes me that I should every year feel that energy coming from the rebirth of nature over and over again. Of course, the sun brightly shining and the few very warm days we had last week does help too. Yet, the joy of putting my macro lens on my camera was this year quite overwhelming.
Usually, I go to one of my favorite spots to take those few first pics of spring flowers in Munich: the botanical gardens. It is a wonderful, magical, peaceful, and beautiful place! I have to admit, I miss it terribly. Like most other places it has been closed to the public for absolute ages. Something I can’t quite understand, but I won’t get into that here. It is my haven, where I can switch off from my work, from all the notes in my head. So this year, I had to find another location to get close to the spring flowers, and I discovered that cemeteries are beautiful too. Lucky for me, there is one not far from where I live and so I have been able to go there early before the crowds are out. What a joy that has been.
It is fascinating to me, that macro flower photography still brings me joy. The lens I use is a Zeiss lens, and I absolutely love it. Playing with the depth of field while getting close is such fun. The learning never ceases. Just like in singing, the growing, the playing, the discovery, the fascination doesn’t stop. After all, it is an art form too! Although, I do advise wearing something which can get wet and dirty, as there is a lot of crawling and kneeling involved.
I have been out a couple of times now, and I think, this year the abundance of crocuses, winter aconite, and snowdrops feels stronger to me. But maybe that is just an impression. Or, do you feel this too?

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